The Ink & The Paper

Creating Challenges

While I feel I haven’t been writing that much in October, I reflect back and I realize I have done quite a bit actually. At least more than I thought. I also realize while writing this, you will probably learn about me in my blog entries, not just through my writing. Which is strange for me. I know saying this is a bit random, but it's true.

But here we are, the first week of
NaNoWriMo. And full disclosure here, I am not actually trying to write a novel this month. Or in any single month for that matter. I think that’s best left for the professionals (maybe one day, err, month). My goal is much simpler. I’m looking to have an extensive outline finished for a… Novel? Novella? Screenplay? I don’t know yet, because when it comes to storytelling, I want my stories to be engaging. Something that sucks you in, grabs you and you are in it. I’ll read an article, or a book, or short story and be blown away by the writing. Wishing I had written it. Writer envy.

The other thing I’d like to do this month is maybe post a bit of flash fiction. I have zero ideas for a piece, but I think good prompt will help with that. Just need to sit down and cut lose. There are plenty of
NaNo Word Sprints to jump in on. But I only want to do this as long as it doesn’t interfere with the outline.

Lastly… LOOK! I have a Twitter icon! If you found your way here from Twitter, thank you. If you found your way here from some other means, please, follow me on Twitter. I just spent two or three hours finding that icon on a web search, trimmed it down to get it to fit with parameters and some HTML jargon I know nothing about. Basically, instead of writing, I spent time expanding the website. What is probably a small feat for a bunch of people, it was pretty big deal for me. I don't post often, but I try. So give a follow and maybe I'll post something interesting one day and you'll be whisked away and inspired to write your own thing.

For now though, I have an outline to get to.