The Ink & The Paper

Goals for the Near Future

Still writing. How about you? Now, I don’t have every minute of everyday to be able to sit and write. I barely have time in each day to block out thirty minutes. But, I am making it happen… somehow. What I am struggling with is what to do in those thirty minutes I do have. A multitude of goals, but how to prioritize them.

I don’t have a plan. My outlines are a better plan than what I have in place for myself. But, I do have deadline.
Fredericksburg Independent Book Festival is coming September 29th. And here are the two main things that need to get done by then.

1 - Broken Road is going digital. It will be available on Apple iBooks, Nook, and Amazon Kindle. Need to put together advertising for this.

2 -
Conversations with Death will be available to a select group of readers who will get to read an un-proofed draft of the first short story of the series and give feedback. This will only be available if you come to Fred Book Fest. I hope to see you there. (Will also need to put together links and advertising for this. I also need to expand and discovery other book festivals.)

I have watched a few more videos from
MasterClass, but to be honest, I haven’t done a lot of the work. I have tried to implement some of that work into my writings, but again, I’ve only blocked out thirty minutes a day. I try and use that time as wisely as I can. I may just need to expand that time to forty-five minutes a day… I actually like that idea… a lot.

A short blog entry, but I’ve been busy between real life, researching, and writing. I really should get better and making a schedule so that each session is used to its fullest and my many boiling pots get just a little attention.